Paramotor Podcast for Newbies, Advanced and Instructors..We bring you fresh new pilots, seasoned pilots, importers, distributors and advanced pilots to talk about paramotors and interesting things about ultralight flying.. listen now...its free. Learn to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com and disabled vets get to fly at www.RunIntoTheSky.org Who is PPG Grandpa? His name is Sean Symons from Conway Arkansas. He runs a paramotor flight school called Paramotor Arkansas. Sean was in the USMC and is a disabled vet which is why he and his friends started up the non profit org to help vets get into the sky and get quality gear after training. Find Sean Symons on FB at www.FB.me/ShawnFitness #paramotor #RunIntoTheSky #podcast
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Ep 209 - Nashville Paramotor - Run into the Sky paramotor podcast
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Nashville Paramotor, a premier destination for Powered Paraglider (PPG) training and equipment in Middle Tennessee! Located in the picturesque town of Eagleville, TN, Nashville Paramotor is dedicated to providing top-notch instruction and services to all levels of enthusiasts, from beginners to seasoned pilots. Nashville Paramotor offers comprehensive PPG1 and PPG2 training programs, expertly crafted to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to soar through the skies with confidence. With experienced instructors guiding every step of the journey, students can embark on their paragliding adventures with assurance and skill. In addition to training, Nashville Paramotor boasts a diverse range of paramotors and gliders for sale, carefully curated to meet the unique needs and preferences of students and customers alike. From trusted brands to cutting-edge technology, Nashville Paramotor ensures that all flying equipment meets the highest standards of quality and safety. For those seeking an exhilarating introduction to powered paragliding, Nashville Paramotor offers introductory tandem flights and paramotor discovery classes. These experiences provide a safe and thrilling entry into the world of PPG, ideal for curious adventurers and adrenaline enthusiasts. Passionate about sharing the joy of powered paragliding, Nashville Paramotor fosters a welcoming community of aviation enthusiasts in Middle Tennessee. With a commitment to excellence and safety, coupled with its picturesque location, Nashville Paramotor provides the perfect setting for embarking on unforgettable aerial adventures. Join us as we welcome Nashville Paramotor to PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast, and let dreams take flight! Location: Eagleville, TN, United States, Tennessee Operating Hours: Always Open Rating: 5.0 (8 Reviews) Website: Nashville Paramotor Facebook Page
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Ep 208 - Ryan Rides - All about Drone Shows - Run into the Sky paramotor podcast
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Ep 208 - Ryan Rides - Run into the Sky paramotor podcast
Ryan is the General Manager and Chief Pilot for Star Flight Drone Shows in Eastern PA. When he's not flying his drone fleet, he's either flying one of his paramotors, riding his motorcycle, shooting or running the drone team with WPSAR, the search and rescue team he is a member of. https://www.facebook.com/StarFlightDroneShows
AI The meeting so far has been an introduction to various individuals involved in a nonprofit organization and podcast. Participants include Sean Symons (PPG Grandpa), Dale, Scuba Steve, PARAMOM, Ryan R Rides, Jim Simard, Will Fly, and Linda Anderson. They discussed topics like drone shows, a sponsor company called Delivered, and a show related to Skin Walker Ranch. Ryan R Rides shared experiences with drone shows, including a storm incident during a July 4th event. The meeting also touched on drone racing and the waterproofing of drones. Overall, the meeting involved introductions, discussions on drone-related topics, and sharing personal experiences. ********************************************************************************* Top 10 Q&A about Paramotoring https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/top-10-questions-and-answers-about-paramotoring
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Ep 207 - Jeremy Howe - Run into the Sky paramotor podcast
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Ep 207 - Jeremy Howe - Run into the Sky paramotor podcast
Bio: I found paramotors on YouTube in 2014. After graduating college & saving some money, I signed up for formal paramotor training with FlyMIPPG in 2019. I’ve flown in a couple states & Spain, but mostly fly in metro Detroit. I’m the current Treasurer & Board Member for the USPPA. I’ve completed my PPG3 rating, an siv, flown ppg at Oshkosh, bunch of fly-ins, etc blah blah. This year, I hope to get a tandem exemption, P2, & have a great time flying Egypt. I have a couple interesting stories about barely flying into my car, landing out because of a coast guard helicopter, being stopped by the Border Patrol, bunch of others. I’m looking forward to being on the show again. It looks like it’s been about 2 years since I was on the show. I try to make an Instagram post for every day I go flying. Looking forward to talking with you guys. https://www.instagram.com/look.how.cool.i.am
********************************************************************************* Top 10 Q&A about Paramotoring https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/top-10-questions-and-answers-about-paramotoring
********************************************************************************* * About Paramotor Arkansas, Run Into The Sky Nonprofit, our mission and how you can help * Soar into the heart of our mission at Run Into The Sky, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering disabled veterans by providing them with the exhilarating opportunity to learn and fly paramotors. Our commitment extends beyond the skies, as we strive to equip veterans with adaptive gear tailored to their disabilities. Join us in making a difference at http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
🌟 Support Our Cause: Help us continue our mission by donating to Cash App $RunIntoTheSky. Your generosity fuels the transformative power of paramotoring, aiding veterans in rebuilding confidence, finding purpose, and connecting with a supportive community. Donate securely at https://runintothesky.org/donate 📬 Send Your Support: For material gifts or donations to feature on our podcast, send to:
Run into the Sky Inc.
3820 Dave Ward Dr
STE 1900 Number 111
Conway, AR 72034
☕ Support the Host: Buy our host, PPG Grandpa, a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PPGGrandpa
🔊 Shout Out to Our Incredible Members: A heartfelt thank you to John Wayne, Brian Waller, Kent Stamey, Wade Collins, Dave Burnside, Erik von erik, geriatricPPG, and all our supportive members!
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Ep 206 - Shawn Lee Smith - Run into the Sky paramotor podcast
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Ep 206 - Shawn Lee Smith - Run into the Sky paramotor podcast I finished training in 2018. I live in hallsville Texas. My home flying areas are lots of pine trees. There are four of us in our local flying group and another one will be trained soon. My oldest son is one of the four of us foot launch flyers. It’s been a real joy to watch him learn to fly. Some of my favorite things are … flying adventures with our group. Flying with my son. Giving tandem flights and getting to share in their excitement. Traveling to new places and meeting new flyers. I get to drive to the west coast in February and July each year and to the east coast once a year always with my flying gear flying most everywhere I stop. I Am currently learning to free fly. It’s challenging since I’m a flatlander but I’m still trying. I’ve only flown at Henson Gap TN and Point of the Mountain UT so far. I’m ready for better weather!! I want to learn how to follow the flying weather year around next year. https://www.facebook.com/Gopappa?mibextid=2JQ9oc
********************************************************************************* Top 10 Q&A about Paramotoring https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/top-10-questions-and-answers-about-paramotoring
********************************************************************************* * About Paramotor Arkansas, Run Into The Sky Nonprofit, our mission and how you can help * Soar into the heart of our mission at Run Into The Sky, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering disabled veterans by providing them with the exhilarating opportunity to learn and fly paramotors. Our commitment extends beyond the skies, as we strive to equip veterans with adaptive gear tailored to their disabilities. Join us in making a difference at http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
🌟 Support Our Cause: Help us continue our mission by donating to Cash App $RunIntoTheSky. Your generosity fuels the transformative power of paramotoring, aiding veterans in rebuilding confidence, finding purpose, and connecting with a supportive community.
📬 Send Your Support: For material gifts or donations to feature on our podcast, send to:
Run into the Sky Inc.
3820 Dave Ward Dr
STE 1900 Number 111
Conway, AR 72034
☕ Support the Host: Buy our host, PPG Grandpa, a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PPGGrandpa
🔊 Shout Out to Our Incredible Members: A heartfelt thank you to John Wayne, Brian Waller, Kent Stamey, Wade Collins, Dave Burnside, Erik von erik, geriatricPPG, and all our supportive members! 🌐 Sponsors: Will Fly PPG https://willflyppg.com Aurora PPG: https://aurorappg.org Paramotor Arkansas Flight School: http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com Care Printing and Publishing: http://www.CarePP.com Vortex Aero: https://vortexaero.com SkySportsUSA: https://skysportsusa.net SkyTap Paramotors: http://www.SkyTapParamotors.com Paraglider Inspection: https://paraglider-inspection.myshopify.com/ Skylab SIV: https://skylabparamotorsiv.com/ Serenity Island: https://serenityisland.org/ Kangook America: http://www.KangookAmerica.com ParaSwagUSA: http://www.ParaSwagUSA.com Airsports USA: https://www.facebook.com/FLYAirSportsUSA/ http://www.AirSportsUSA.com Paramotor Merch: http://www.ILovePPG.com Fly Dragon PPG: http://www.FlyDragonPPG.com Pendulum Junkies: https://pendulumjunkies.com/ Stay Bad Paramotor: https://staybadparamotor.com/ 🎙️ Join the Channel: Unlock exclusive perks by joining our channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Apx0LrH3YglzDhFUbS0HQ/join 👴 Who is PPG Grandpa? Meet Sean Symons, aka PPG Grandpa, a passionate paramotor enthusiast and the driving force behind our cause. Connect with him on Facebook at http://www.FaceBook.com/ShawnFitness 🚀 Elevate Your YouTube Game with TubeBuddy: Discover the game-changing tools at TubeBuddy. Link in bio for more info: https://www.tubebuddy.com/PPGGrandpa 🎵 Enjoy Unlimited Royalty Music: Enhance your content with the best free unlimited royalty music from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/by49g8 #RunIntoTheSky #Paramotor #Nonprofit
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Ep 205 - Dropping $50,000 - Arizona Flying Circus - Mo Sheldon
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Mo Sheldon has been flying paramotors since 1998 and teaching since 2001. He is certified as an Advanced Flight Instructor (AFI) through Aero Sports Connection (ASC) association, the largest Ultralight association in the US, and a rated Paramotor Flight Instructor from USPPA. Mo designs and manufactures the Grazhopper tandem trike and Moment Paramotor. He and his family; wife Maria and children Benjamin, Sarah, and Daniel, have hosted the Arizona Flying Circus for over 20 years. Mo fosters the paramotor community at large through year-round accessibility to his airfield and availability to those in need of repairs, instruction, or advice. http://www.momentparamotor.com
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Ep 204 - Free training at Run Into The Sky Flight School
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Run into the Sky is a nonprofit flight school dedicated to empowering disabled veterans by teaching them to fly, aiding in their journey to overcome PTSD and other challenges. Our inclusive program welcomes all individuals, offering flight training at a significantly discounted price to support this noble cause. Through our collaborative efforts with Paramotor Arkansas Flight School, participants not only learn to soar through the skies but also find healing and renewed purpose. Visit http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
and http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com
to learn more about our impactful initiatives. ********************************************************************************* Top 10 Q&A about Paramotoring https://www.paramotorarkansas.com/pages/top-10-questions-and-answers-about-paramotoring
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Ep 203 - Kenny Schnatter - Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Kenny Schnatter began his aviation adventure in 2006. Kenny grew up riding and racing motocross. He always had a passion for thrill and excitement. When he discovered that flying could be like hitting a jump on his dirt bike but not coming down until an hour later he knew it was something that he had to persue. He went on to do some research and find out what paramotors were all about. He went for training to learn to fly paramotors. After realizing he thought it would be nice to have others enjoy the flight with him he trained for his license on a powered parachute and then fixed wing airplanes. Kenny always had a desire to help people in anyway he could. Kenny enjoyed paramotors so much he knew he had to find a way to help people with the sport and give them the best training he could for safety and to have fun! Kenny then decided to open Pennsylvania PPG LLC in 2022. Kenny now has his USPPA instructor rating to train foot launch and wheel launch paramotors. http://www.Pennsylvaniappg.com 570-994-0339 INSTAGRAM: @pennsylvania_ppg FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PennsylvniaPPG FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kenny.schnatter
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Ep 202 - Regulating PPG - Brian Goff - Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Learn to fly a paramotor for only $1200 from the nonprofit http://www.RunIntoTheSky.org
Ep 202 - Brian Goff - Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast
Brian Goff founded ParaFlight, LLC, https://www.paraflightnc.com
in 2009, to offer people the experience of powered paragliding/paramotoring. After many years of other flying experience and training, became solidly sold on the advantages of powered paragliding.
He has been involved in all aspects of aviation since he was a kid. He discovered Powered Paragliding 15 years ago and has fallen in love with the sport. Brian has over 4000 hours of paramotoring experience to share with anyone considering the sport. He feels that nothing gives you the sensation of flying quite like powered paragliding.
Brian has taken his aviation background and applied it to Powered Paragliding, offering people training, maintenance, and equipment sales. It's important to him that when people come into this sport that they do things right.
A&P Mechanic
Helicopter Pilot
Based on the meeting transcript, the participants discussed various topics related to paramotoring, including FAA regulations, training, and upcoming fly-ins. Brian Goff mentioned his experience in dealing with the FAA and emphasized the need for region-specific knowledge when addressing airspace issues. The conversation also touched on personal matters like snowstorms and family plans. Towards the end, Sean Symons mentioned the podcast "PPG Grandpa's Paramotor Podcast" and their involvement with the nonprofit organization "Run to the Sky Paramotor." Overall, the meeting covered a range of paramotoring-related discussions and personal updates.
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Ep 201- Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast Shaun N Rachel Hayden: Shaun N Rachel Hayden are passionate individuals who find joy in the combination of faith, family, and exhilarating activities. Grounded in their love for God and family, they have built a life filled with exciting pursuits. As the Owner-Operator of Hayden's Quality Roofing and Custom Showers, Shaun leads a successful venture, showcasing his dedication to quality workmanship. In the skies, Shaun holds the distinction of being Tandem Flight Certified at ASC Tandem Certified, a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) at Aero Sports Connection Flight Instructor, and a Flight Instructor/Tandem Certified at USPPA. Their enthusiasm for flying paramotors is not only a personal passion but also extends to their professional life. Beyond their professional achievements, Shaun and Rachel actively participate in their community. Shaun serves as a drummer at Christ Church, showcasing their multifaceted interests and community engagement. Residing in Oakdale, Louisiana, and hailing from the same vibrant community, Shaun and Rachel Hayden lead a life intertwined with their passions, their business, and their dedication to making a positive impact. Married and surrounded by a substantial social circle, their journey is marked by love, adventure, and a shared commitment to the things that truly matter. Connect with Shaun on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/haydenroofing
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Ep 200- 200th episode extravaganza! - Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Ep 200- Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast 🎉 Celebrate with us as ClearPropTV.com PPG Grandpas Paramotor Podcast, ParaTalk.org and Run Into The Sky Paramotor Podcast hits a milestone - the 200th episode extravaganza! 🎙️✨ For 4 incredible seasons, we've been soaring high in the world of paramotors, chatting with both legendary and undiscovered pilots. 🚀 From the well-known aviators to the hidden gems, our podcast is a treasure trove of diverse knowledge that keeps the paramotor community buzzing with excitement. 🌟 Here's to the next 200 episodes of thrilling stories, expert insights, and the joy of flying high! 🪂✈️ Tune in and let the celebration take flight! 🎊 #ParamotorPodcast #ClearPropTV200thEpisode #AviationAdventure 🔮 And as we touch down on this incredible milestone, mark your calendars – we'll see you all next year for an even more exhilarating Season 5! 📅✨ Get ready for more adventures, more laughs, and more paramotor passion. Until then, keep the skies clear and the propellers spinning! 🌈 #Season5Countdown #ParamotorAdventuresContinued